Signs and Symptoms: What DOT supervisors need to know

an eLearning course on TELUS Health Learnings LMS system.
  • 2 Hours
  • E-learning
  • Leader


Workplace substance use is a problem for employers, and supervisors have an important role in ensuring the safety of the public. This eLearning course provides supervisors with the skills necessary to recognize the warning signs and symptoms of workplace substance use, and how to refer an employee for reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing. 

Supervisors and company officials overseeing employees regulated by the US Department of Transportation are required to complete 2 hours of training on the indicators of probable drug and alcohol use. This online course meets these requirements.  

At the conclusion of this eLearning course, participants will be able to download a certificate of completion after obtaining a 80% correct response rate on the summary test. 


Module 1: The importance of mandatory testing (15 minutes). 

Your organization is committed to maintaining a work environment that promotes the interests of safety, efficiency, health and productivity. It recognizes that workplace substance use can be extremely disruptive and harmful to the workplace by posing serious safety and health risks to the user and those around them. By the end of this module you will be able to:  

  • Describe the costs associated with workplace substance use. 
  • Recognize the importance of mandated testing to help maintain public safety.

Module 2: The DOT testing program (45 minutes) 

As a supervisor of employees who work in safety-sensitive positions, it is important to be aware of the substances prohibited by the DOT, the impact they have on an employee’s health and performance and the testing protocols in place to monitor and identify employees who pose a risk to themselves and those around them. By the end of this module you will be able to:  

  • Identify the substances prohibited by the DOT and their effects on the body. 
  • Recognize the behaviors associated with workplace substance use and how these behaviors impact performance. 
  • Explain the testing requirements mandated by the DOT and the consequences of a positive result. 

Module 3: Your role as supervisor (40 minutes) 

It is not always easy to confront an employee suspected of impairment. The purpose of this module is to provide supervisors with greater confidence to address workplace substance use. By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • Describe your responsibilities as a supervisor. 
  • Identify the criteria necessary to establish reasonable suspicion. 
  • Intervene with an employee who demonstrates reasonable suspicion and needs to be referred for testing.  

Module 4: Final Test (20 minutes) 

  • The final test consists of 30 questions, and a 80% correct response rate is required to receive a certificate of completion.