Anti-Racism for Workplaces

An interactive, self-directed eLearning course hosted on TELUS Health Learning Management System in partnership with Ryley Learning
  • Self-directed
  • E-learning
  • Employees and People Leaders


It’s time for concrete steps to address racism in the workplace!

Designed for a wide range of workplaces and sectors, TELUS Health Learning in partnership with Ryley Learning’s Anti-Racism for Workplaces online course educates and empowers employees and managers. The course uses diverse characters to illustrate common themes of race-based discrimination and harassment arising in North American workplaces.


Over thirty minutes, a cast of employees share their experiences of workplace racism — highlighting bias and stereotyping.

High-quality animated storytelling, with gamified interactivities that ensure the messages sink in. Produced by a lawyer, designed by a diverse expert panel of lawyers, educators, and creatives. This course is available in an interactive format that ensures learning sinks in, accessible via mobile, desktop or tablet.