Understanding and Overcoming Employee and Parental Burnout

Juggling the stressful demands of work and family can harm employee and family wellbeing, having a negative impact on work productivity. Work and Family Support Programs resource employees to thrive and nurture a family-friendly workplace culture.
  • 1 Hour
  • Seminar (Specialised)
  • Leader


In Australia, parents with children 18 years of age and under make up a third of the workforce with 75.6% of mothers employed and 90.4% of fathers. This significant cohort are in the impossible position of trying to keep up with the many demands of their jobs and parenting simultaneously.

Like many people leaders, you may be dealing with the high cost of lost productivity and employee turnover due to parental and employee burnout. As a manager, do you fully understand the financial, social and cultural costs of employee burnout?  Perhaps you’re aware or experiencing for yourself, that navigating the many stressful demands of work and family can be overwhelming and can lead to burnout.

Employee burnout remains a widespread and serious issue. The many stressful demands of managing work and family, financial stresses and other daily challenges have significantly impacted the mental health of employees with caring responsibilities.

Data shows working parents are suffering the most. The findings from a recent TELUS Health Research Brief on The Mental Health of Working Parents is clear:

“Working parents have consistently lower mental health scores, and the impact of mental health on work productivity is also greater for parents than non-parents.”

As a result, the majority of working parents miss work at least once per month to manage their children’s or their mental health.

By attending this session, people leaders will understand the financial, social and cultural costs of employee burnout and the steps they can take to support employee and family wellbeing and work productivity.


Flexible learning with:

  • Interactive Webinar.
  • Webinar Recording.
  • Tip Sheet.

Each session supports employees to develop their knowledge and skills with:

  • A live 1-hour interactive webinar with step-by-step strategies.
  • Opportunity to ask questions with a family wellbeing expert.
  • Engaging with interactive elements including polls and reflective activities.

After the webinar participants and their family have access to:

  • Webinar recording (for 4 weeks).
  • Downloadable Tip Sheet with links to further resources.

As a people leader you may be interested in learning about how to provide working parents with ongoing programs throughout the year, empowering employees to develop and embed sustainable wellbeing practices so they can succeed at home and succeed at work. Creating a family-friendly workplace culture is good for employee and family wellbeing and good for business.

Learn more about our 12 and 6-month programs to support working parents and their families to thrive at the links below:

Learn more about WWP 12-month program

Learn more about WWP 6-month program

The Win Win Parenting Program is developed by family wellbeing expert, Dr Rosina McAlpine, and offered in partnership with TELUS Health.

All sessions can be delivered as an interactive webinar or in person Lunch ‘n Learn.