Parenting Workshop – Supporting employee and family wellbeing

Juggling the stressful demands of work and family can harm employee and family wellbeing, having a negative impact on work productivity. Work and Family Support Programs resource employees to thrive and nurture a family-friendly workplace culture.
  • 3.5 Hours
  • Workshop
  • Working Parents


Working parents and carers make up a significant part of an organisation’s diverse workforce. Juggling the many stressful demands of work and family life can harm employee and family wellbeing and have a negative impact on impact workplace productivity. However, when employees are empowered with knowledge and strategies to manage the many demands of raising a family, they can navigate work and family life more effectively.

Organisations can resource their working parents and carers to better manage work and family life with our fun and interactive in-person workshops delivered in the workplace. Designed for parents raising children 18-months to 18+ years, the parenting and family wellbeing workshops empower parents with support and resources for all stages of child development.

The safe and supportive workshop environment enables employees to identify their family goals and share common parenting challenges with colleagues who have similar-aged children – nurturing supportive relationships with colleagues and a positive family-friendly workplace culture.

Employees workshop solutions to their unique challenges and learn an evidence-based, tried and tested, practical 3-step approach to effectively manage the many stressful, day-to-day issues that arise when raising children.

Providing support programs empowers employees to embed sustainable family wellbeing practices, supporting working parents to more effectively manage the work-family interface, decreases employee stress and improve employee and family wellbeing. The cumulative result is increased employee focus, engagement and satisfaction in the workplace.

When employees succeed at home, they are more focussed and productive at work.



Up to 20 participants for each interactive 3.5-hour workshops.

To maximise engagement, relevance for participants and cost-effectiveness, we recommend booking 2 workshops in one day, where numbers allow. A morning session for parents/carers raising children 18-months to 11-years. An afternoon session for parents/carers raising children 12+ years.

Forum Style

Fun and interactive in-person workshop conveniently delivered in-house.

Participants discuss issues in a safe and supportive workshop environment and complete workbooks focusing on their unique parenting and family-wellbeing challenges.

Parents workshop the simple and practical 3-step parenting process they can put into practice at home.

Connecting with parents/carers raising children of a similar age supports colleagues to form bonds and nurtures a family-friendly workplace culture.


Each session is facilitated by an accredited Win Win Parenting Family Wellbeing Expert, creating a safe and inclusive learning environment.

Participants are streamed into separate sessions for working parents/carers raising children 18 months to 11 years and parents/carers raising children 12+ years to maintain relevance for the parenting challenges at different ages and stages of development.

A pre-event questionnaire allows the program to be tailored to individual participants needs. Working parents and carers are paired up with their colleagues who have similar aged children and who share similar parenting issues. Parents can further personalise their experience by engaging with the workbook activities based on their individual family needs.


Recommended delivery

Workshops can be tailored as follows:

  • Parents and carers raising younger children 18 months to 11 years
  • Parents and carers raising older children 12+ years
  • Parents and carers raising children aged 18 months to 18+ years

We recommend running 2 workshops in the one day – a morning session for parents with younger children (9.00am-12.30pm) and afternoon session for parents of teens (1.30pm-5.00pm). However, if small numbers require a combined session for parents of children 18 months to 18 years this can be arranged.


 During the workshop participants have the opportunity to:

  • Identify and discuss their main parenting challenges and understand they’re not alone when it comes to common parenting challenges.
  • Explore how confident and capable parenting supports improved work focus, morale and productivity.
  • Reduce parenting guilt by busting the myth that parents should know how to parent confidently without knowledge, education and support.
  • Understand the harms of harsh parenting and explore how to manage common parenting challenges with empathy and education rather than the ineffective: rewards, discipline and punishment approach.
  • Learn and practice the 3-step S.E.E. Parenting approach (Stop – Empathise –  Educate®) which can be applied to ALL parenting challenges from toddler to teen years.
  • Develop their communication skills to strengthen family relationships and create more harmony at home.
  • Empower their children develop key life skills so they can thrive in the world as happy, healthy and well-rounded individuals – supporting child and family wellbeing. Life skills topics include how to support the development of:
    • Healthy lifestyle: Self-care, exercise, rest and nutrition (including how to support fussy eaters).
    • Emotional intelligence: How to help children calm emotional outbursts and nurture healthy relationships.
    • Life-balance: Managing stress and anxiety, with tips for relaxing and having fun for the whole family.
    • The power of choice: Supporting children to take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings & behaviours.
    • Resilience: Accepting that mistakes are a part of life’s learning processes and developing child resilience.