6-Month Family Mental Health Webinar Series

The rising number of employees experiencing mental health challenges has led to an increased demand for workplace support programs with a family mental health focus - resourcing employees to succeed at home and at work.
  • 1 Hour
  • Seminar (Specialised)
  • Working Parents


While general mental health programs are helpful, mental health programs that support working parents to manage their specific challenges are more effective than general programs that do not address the underlying stresses and issues. To support working parents and their families to thrive, parenting expert Dr Rosina McAlpine from Win Win Parenting has designed this six-part Mental Health Series for Working Parents specifically tailored to support employee and family mental wellbeing.

More than a one-off session, our 6-month program provides employees with practical solutions and ongoing support to enable them to embed sustainable mental health practices into family life. Each month, employees develop their knowledge and skills with:

  • A live 60-minute webinar.
  • An on-demand access to our Family Wellbeing Resource Centre containing; webinar recordings, podcasts (audio version of the live webinars) and summary handouts.


How the program works – Simple as 1..2..3

  1. Select Program: Select one or more sessions from the webinar schedule: Your organisation will receive the program communications with link(s) to register, and an outline of each session to share with employees.
  2. Reminders: Once registered, employees receive a reminder 1 week, 1 day and 1 hour before each webinar with the link to join the webinar. Participants can join live and ask questions or access the replay.
  3. Replays: After the live webinar all registrants receive a link to access the webinar replay. The replay will be available for 4 weeks or for the duration of the program selected.

During these interactive sessions employees receive simple and sustainable practical strategies. Webinars are delivered via GoTo Webinar platform which allows maximum engagement with polls, questions and comments – all in a safe and confidential online environment. The program is designed to provide practical support for parents and carers raising children 18 months to 18+ years.

Modules and Courses

Workplaces can choose one or more sessions from the 6-month webinar series as part of their mental wellbeing strategy for employees with families. Webinars can be run as standalone sessions or as a series. Providing ongoing support through a series of webinars and resources, supports employees to embed wellbeing practices for sustained change.

Webinar series options:
1 or more sessions from the series provided throughout the year
6-part series over 6 months (January-June OR July-December)
6-part series over 12 months (one session every 2 months)

January or July: Family Mental & Physical Wellbeing: Self-Care for working parents and kids.

February or August: Getting Organised: Strategies to reduce the stress of managing work & family life.

March or September: Mental Wellbeing: Strategies to support children’s mental health.

April or October: Self-regulation: Supporting children to develop this important life skill.

May or November: Nurturing Family Positivity: Supporting mental health at home.

June or December: Building Resilience: Supporting families to navigate life’s ups & downs